New Partner Podcast: History Bedtime Stories Episode #1 – J.L. Hudson’s Memories

**We are pleased to share this new podcast from our friends at Detroit History Club, featuring its executive director Bailey Sisoy Moore with History Tours producer and tour-guide Kevin Walsh (also a Digging Detroit producer). More information, photos and even a Maurice Salad recipe on the Detroit History Club’s website. The legend and magic of […]

New Podcast! Archivist Roundup 2 – Detroit’s Jewish History

Tune in to our latest podcast, another Archivist’s Roundup as we visit with four archivists and historians about Detroit’s rich and varied Jewish history. The archivists share how they collect and preserve the stories of Detroit’s Jewish community and also how they help connect today’s generation with their heritage. Host:  Pete Kalinski Guests:  Aimee Ergas -Collections Archivist […]

New Podcast “Detroit in World War II” with Author Greg Sumner at Historic Abicks Bar

A look inside the “Arsenal of Democracy” as Professor Gregory Sumner of University of Detroit Mercy joins Digging Detroit’s Thomas J. Reed Jr. and Detroit History Tours‘ Bailey Sisoy Isgro at Detroit’s historic Abick’s Bar.   Sumner previews his upcoming book-signing, Detroit in WWII, at Abick’s on November 10, 2015.   (Order yours on Amazon.)     Thanks to our Abick’s […]

New Podcast: Archivists Roundtable at Historic Abick’s Bar in Detroit

What to keep, what to throw away? The eternal question for the archivist. Some of Michigan’s top historical archivists join us for a roundtable discussion at historic Abick’s Bar on their unusual world–sometimes spent in dusty shelves and digging through dark basements and mysterious attics–but often waiting for you at the reference desk. They’ll share some familiar […]

New and Old Frontiers: Above Detroit with Aerial Photographer Alex MacLean

Alex MacLean has seen Detroit from the sky at various stages since 1980.  The large green-spaces below, for example, were once crowded neighborhoods and business districts in a city’s footprint that is large enough to fit Houston, Boston and Manhattan.  These grassy fields by Google Maps might be mistaken for parks. Similar green spaces a few miles north […]

New Podcast: Dodge, Detroit & Women in Industry

Digging Detroit’s Tom Reed and Pete Kalinski discuss the early days of Detroit’s automotive history with experts Bailey Sisoy Isgro and Madelyn Rzadkowolski. Topics include: Advertising’s current portrayal of the Dodge Brothers Dodge’s famous dependability—and fix-it-yourself car kits General Patton and the Dodge military contract Women and Detroit’s cigar industry as a vehicle for entry into the […]

New Podcast: Interview with Alex MacLean–Aerial Photographer of Detroit in New York Times

Following the December 7, 2014 publication of his New York Times Sunday Review, “Detroit By Air” which examines the city’s dramatic haves and have-nots, photographer Alex MacLean is interviewed by Kevin Walsh and Thomas J. Reed, Jr. of Digging Detroit. Topics include… Alex’s background, including his fear of flying leading to his pilot’s license Detroit’s […]