Digging Detroit is committed to the next generation of storytellers and is seeking student-created Detroit history in the form of…
- Documentaries
- Photography
- Podcast/Oral History Recordings
- Blog-Posts
If you are a student (K-12 or College), parent or an educator, please feel free to contact us at info@diggingdetroit.com for more information or complete the form below…
Welcome to Bert’s
Director: Miles Dearing and Aidan Walsh – Grosse Pointe South High School
Email: dearingmiles55@gmail.com
Restaurant website: https://www. bertsentertainmentcomplex.com/ bar
Painting the Town – The Street Art of Detroit (trailer)
William Higbie, University Liggett Preparatory (Grosse Pointe Woods)
Saving Detroit: A Case Study of Theatre Renovations
Paris Burton, University Liggett Preparatory Academy (Grosse Pointe Woods)
Boblo Island Documentary
Caroline Bree, Grosse Point South High School (Teacher: Stephen Geresy)
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